ethics has always been dependent on time and place

I guess that's what I'm getting at: how do we know what is right, even dependent on the time and place? where does our sense of what is right come from? how does it develop?

I suspect whoever it was above (sorry, can't remember and if I go to look it up I'll lose this!) who suggested that a sense of right develops through a learning process, is right (about that, anyway ). Perhaps we do learn by watching what others do and their general - and specific - behaviour.

I often feel I have an over-developed sense of justice, that comes, perhaps, from reading too many idealistic novels for "young adults"! But how do we know WE are right, when we say of something, "That's just not right."??

Perhaps the only possible answer is that it's all relative/subjective. But that doesn't seem right, either....

Let us go in peace to love and serve the board.