In all fairness to participants here, I'm withdrawing this Hogwash Round Whatever from being played at the present time in consideration of recent events that have here unfolded. The daffinitions were splendifooliferous!

The pig arrived dead today in a black crate, a poison apple forced into its little mouth, its incipient smile unfolding there all stoppered up, and shattered crystal, furry slippers twisted (horribly twisted) about its manicured tiny hooves.

One day a princely piggy will arrive and kiss the pig under consideration, and the briars will fall away that have grown up all around this place of fractured fairytales.

This hogmistress is going home to cogitate upon trolls and gremlins and things that go BUMP!!! in the night just as they did last night while she slept.

Bidding you rest for anon,