I admire paulb's gentle eulogy a great deal; however, I feel that an epic victory demands an epic poem

with apologies to Lord Macaulay

How Jacqulynia swept the Board

The Max Q, of down under, by the ninth tense has sworn
That the grand prize of jmh would off by him be borne
By the ninth tense he swore it, and wore the night away
And bade his messages go forth, East and West and South and North,
To scatter disarray.

East and West and South and North the messages went fast
And all the noble posters noted he was first to blast.
Shame on the false awad-er who lingers in their bed
When Max Q of down under has said what he has said.

in the interests of brevity, we switch to the beleaguered gates of Home page

Then up spake brave Jacqulynia, the keeper of the board,
“To everyone upon this site, this challenge strikes a chord;
What better way of posting than by facing dreadful bods
Who mangle our pure language with words like ‘dames’ and ‘rods.’”

“I’ll put in my bridge, Sir Consul, with all the speed I may;
With a pair of words beside me, this upstart I will flay.
In yon strait thread, a thousand may well be stopped by me
I’ll take a mouse in either hand and write a word or three.”

Once more, the interests of brevity demand a jump through hyperspace

They gave her of the board space which was of common right
As much as three strong fishes could cycle from morn ‘til night
And builded her a statue, with her story writ on high
And there it stands until this day, to witness if I lie