I'm a most agreeable man... - Rex Harrison

Give 'em Hell? I just tell 'en the truth and they call it Hell - Harry S Truman

I don't know but they tell me that the english translations by FitzGerald of of Omar Khayyam's quatrains, improved the Rubaiyat.
They say (but no one will tell me) that Poe's The Raven was improved when translated into the french.
- milo washington

Hell Harry, I didn't come here to give 'em Hell Harry, I'm a most agreeable man. I came here to [Anti-rant].

Yes "men" used to mean people, because for all intents and purposes, in many societies in the past, woman and children were chattel. mere possessions. less than full citizens.. - of troy

I agree, of troy. When seen from the perspective of modern women who have adopted the man's point of view of life, chattel does seem like a viable way to describe those unfortunate wretches. Thank God it is bullshit. Instead let us celebrate ten thousand years of men and women together overcoming overwhelming obstacles in bringing forth a new world, a world where those born after them can live in relative safety and comfort, and have a hope for a future that is free of injustice and ignorance.

Yet I am a most agreeable man. I'll fight to the death for the right of women to work outside the home, to fight wars, and, in general, to do all the fun things of men. - mw

PS: ...and counted (to our shame) slaves as 2/3 of a person. - of troy

of troy, were you using this stat as an exaggeration in order to enhance a point? Who and when counted slaves in two-thirds?

END [/anti-rant]