in the past, woman and children were chattel. mere possessions. less than full citizens..

[rant]That was when men stopped meaning people; when to be a man you had to be male. I'm talking about back when there was another word for male human beings, wæpman, to go with wifman meaning female human being. You'll not gain back full equality until you take back your manhood.[/rant]

[back to subject at hand]We don't need no steenking badges, which was a conflation of:

We don' got no badges.

We don' need no badges.

We don' have to show you any steenking badges.

Play it again, Sam in my opinion, got its extraneous again, Sam from Ilsa's previous line, Play it once, Sam, but that's just my WDI.

Gilding the lily has been discussed elsewhere and need not be mentioned again except, perhaps, to note that it, too, is a conflation.[/back]