Methodist Hymnal

I agree! (Except the book in my case is the CBW III = Catholic Book of Worship III) The funniest thing is that half the songs, people know by heart, with the old words, and then you get the person up front, leading the singing, with the new words, and general confusion and mumbling during the lines that have been changed. Even though the new words are right in front of us.

There was a song we used to joke about (when I was a silly all-girls Catholic school type, it was:
Whatsoever you do, to the least of my brothers...
[more lines + verse]... Now enter into the home of my father

The first line was changed to:
Whatsoever you do, to the least of my people
And we, being silly high-school girls that we are, changed the last line to
Now enter into the home of my parents

Well, we thought it was funny at the time!