In terms of not having time to do anything - I think the world would be a better place if everyone were able to do as I do, and only work 4 days a week - and really only work those 4, rather than try to cram in 5 - or 7! Seriously, it makes for a much better balance... and more people are financially able to do it than think so; it just means being a bit more sensible about spending [I do realise, of course, that there are many for whom this is completely not an option; for them, I have only compassion and a hope that there weekends are precious].

As for overscheduled - I think some managers deliberately overschedule themselves, to look busy. Kids, tho - some of them are totally bored out of their brains, having been fed too much TV and computer-time and therefore not able to think! Not all of them, I know, I know... but certainly some.
