From MW, for the record:

Main Entry: 2advance
Function: noun
Date: 1668
1 : a moving forward
2 a : progress in development <mistaking material advance for spiritual enrichment -- H. J. Laski> b : a progressive step : IMPROVEMENT <an advance in medical technique>
3 : a rise in price, value, or amount
4 : a first step or approach made <her attitude discouraged all advances>
5 : a provision of something (as money or goods) before a return is received; also : the money or goods supplied

Definition #2 is the one that has application to the article you cited, AR. It appears that advancement and advance may be used synonymously. The affective use of advancement over advance, strictly in my personal intuitive sense, is advancement sounds more progressional and advance sounds more completed.

I know I've heard the phrase, "Advancements in technology" and similar phrases.