Hi Silky - pleasedta meetja.

Hang on, isn't a "silky" a dodgy Irish fairy creature? You out there oftroy? Best make you Muse if so.

a seemingly "nonsensical" song which probably was encrypted to save lives
Now, I don't want to dampen any squibs here, but for reasons I couldn't quite put my fin on, I felt uncomfortable with this interpretation. Had I perhaps ended up burning my fins on something similar?

Then I found an article that gave some substance to my vague doubts:
I have to say that I find the cons compelling, but maybe I'm just a killjoy.
heh heh heh, if only they knew...[rubs hands gleefully, despite their lack of physical existence]

On a lighter note, I also discovered the undoubtedly genuine [honest & deadpan face] story of someone who actually gave his true love the gifts as "recommended" and of her responses to them: