Oooh, Byb, what a wonderful thing to share--thank you!!
the plow-stilt in his left hand and the plow-staff in his right hand
'Stilt' and 'staff'? Were these just the left and right handles of the plow, or did one or both have a specific function? My uncle's plow was very simple: just the frame, the turning fork, and handles; no brake, or anything like that.

Capital Kiwi
, does any of this sound familiar to you?
The printer hath copper letters in a great number put into boxes. The compositor taketh them out one by one and (according to the copy, which he hath fastened before him in a visorium) composeth words in a composing-stick, till a line be made, he putteth these in a galley, till a page be made, and these again in a form, and he locketh them up in iron chases, with coyns, lest they should drop out, and putteth them under the press. Then the pressman beateth it over wih printers-ink by means of balls, spreadeth upon it the papers, put in the frisket, which being put under the spindle, on the coffin, and pressed down with the bar he maketh to take impressions.