Expressions of agreement:

Someone says something in conversation you agree with. What are expressions of agreement you use or have heard used?

I've heard many here in the country (i.e., farmland) say, "You got that right!" and even "You got that!"

Some used to say, "Right on!"

Some repeat what you've said and agree by repeating what you've said, but by inserting the adverb very somewhere in your sentence:

You -- "These hot pretzels are good."

The Other -- "They are very good."

Another -- "You got that!"

Still Another -- "Right on!"

And Still Another -- "You got that right!"

What are some other expressions of agreement? I'd be interested in reading here the levels of agreement indicated by the terms of agreement. For instance, if someone agreed by saying, "I suppose," a bit a doubt would be included in this conditional sort of agreement.

Anyway, thanks for any thoughts here about agreement.

Best regards,

P.S. Personal pet peeve: It annoys me when people insert the word "very" to what someone has said. I get more annoyed with myself, however, for becoming annoyed than I do at the person who upped the ante by adding the word very.