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The Introductory documents (mini-FAQs). Newcomers to the a.u.e newsgroup should start with Intro A: Welcome and Guidelines for Posting, and will find further useful help and answers in Intros B, C, D, E, F, and G.
The large and fascinating AUE FAQ, written in 1997 by Mark Israel.
The AUE FAQ Supplement, containing additional entries from recent years.

What a bunch of wallies ... boy, do they take themselves seriously! Didya have a look at their rogues' gallery? More beards and long hair to the square foot than bedbugs in an old mattress. Obviously, I don't even need to read their FAQs, extended FAQs, supplementary FAQs, FAQs to the FAQs, appendices to the FAQs to the FAQs, corollaries to the FAQs, extensions, additions and alterations to the FAQs and OED Supplementary FAQs to the AUE FAQs to know that I don't wanna go there ...

Nonetheless, I followed their links and found the sine qua non of economics sites. Have a giggle:

The idiot also known as Capfka ...