the problem is.. its often a come on.. you start a program, and in the fine print, (or even big print) acknowledge Home Depot.. and then next year (or three years down the line..) when you funding is running low.. where do you get the next million? and does the next million come with out strings?

its like dope-- first its just one joint, and then an ounce, and soon you are a regular..

sometimes the strings aren't too bad.. but they are still strings. Lila Atchison (of the Atchison Topeka SantaFe railroad-- married to DeWitt Wallace-- reader digest founder) gives a pot of money to the Met (Metropolitan Art Mus.) but a chunk of it must be spent on fresh flowers for the lobby.. and there are several big signs pointing out that the flowers are courtsy of a grant from the Atchison foundation... are fresh flower art? are the placques art? are they worth it? the Met says yes.. but...