RE; but most ads are just background noise anymore. When someone talks about the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl or Qualcomm Stadium, it doesn't make someone want to rush out and buy some Tostitos corn chips or a Qualcomm cell phone.

Do you really think that companies would spend thousand and thousands of dollars on something they don't think is effective?

focus group studies show, advertizing is very effective! kids might not run out and buy tostistos corn chips that very minute, but they will be more likely to buy corn chips than an apple, and even more likely to buy Tostitos. the name tostitos gets associated with something fun, and wholesome!

We've been doing the thread on kids songs over in Misc. Bel points out her nieces don't know these songs.. but all of us over -- well lets say a certain age -- do. why?

because in my childhood, we had to entertain ourselves.. we didn't have radios, or walkman's or tapes, or even to much tv.. we kids sang songs, and some of the songs, as i point out are childe ballads.. songs that came down from the 1600 in england to the bronx in the 1950's.. changed, but still very recognizable.. and they are now gone!

they have been replaced by boy bands, and scoobie doo cartoons, and junk!

my catholic schools had an agenda (and in our history classes, Queen Mary, (Henry VIII's daughter) was good Queen Mary- most other histories refer to her as "Bloody Mary"-- like wise, the spanish inquisition was present to us as a good thing.. bet there is not a lot of agreement with that view of history..

and yes, i grew up, read, and got over it.. but today, kids are constantly bombarded with information.. if they can't trust the information they recieve in text books? what can they trust? how do they learn to make an informed opinion, when all of their sources a biased?

advertizement has become so pervasive, and so incidious, i don't think you realize how much it has shaped your live. and maybe, because you are smart, and lucky enough to have educated parents, and other resources, you are less suseptitable to the influence. but is it a good idea for our society to have our history writen by coke cola? or socialogy taught by standard oil?

huge amount of money are spent on hooking a young kid.. to get them to spend money (or convince their parents to spend money) on McDooDoos, or harry potter, or jurasic park or pokiemans, or what ever the craze of the week is. and it works!

i use the same loose leaf binder for 4 years in HS-- now kids have to have the newest, trendiest, theme one.. every year a new one..

so much has changed.. and its not all bad. but alot of it aint good!