Talltale's post brought this to mind . . . several months ago I coined (or so I think) the phrase "Mama mia, 'atsa lotta onomatopoeia!" It just allows me to indulge in the word I love all that much more, and its a fun, unpretentious, way to turn others on to it. Whaddaya thinka?

Here's another I coined, "Just say no to perfunctory ammenities", I've only marched it out a handful of times in the fifteen years since its inception because it can come off as insouciant when really I just find relief in its healthy aversion to convention.

Oh okay, one last one . . . "crimes against inanity"; this is a play on "crimes against humanity" and I made it up to describe anyone who is disciplined or persecuted for outgrowing an underchallenging environment. Its kind of a sleeper, but in some ways its my favorite.

Exciting to associate with you all.