a. The word used for the attraction until the phrase "Merry-Go-Round" was popularized at the first world's fair.

b. A wheel in railroad watches that is regulated to oscillate five times per second.

c. a bacterium found in symbiotic relationship with certain mosses lying above the normal waterline on the beaches of the islands of the Outer Hebrides

d. A variety of seaweed predominant in turbulent waters

e. A rotating stage or platform

f. a whirlpool occuring at the confluence of two rivers

g. A floating mat of thickly woven mosses, rushes, and shrubs that forms across the surface of shallow pools and may shimmy or shake when walked upon. Used to support floating torches in vigils for the dead in ancient Rome.

h. When Dark Age trade unionists had the clergy post Spartacus as a guard to the gates of Heaven, Devil cults of the time enlisted the antithetical Spagyricus to guard the gates of Hell. Later adherents of dark witchcraft used the word Spagyricus to evoke evil spells.

i. A Roman word describing art forms found in Egyptian civilisations – typically glassware and bead necklaces in the period 50 BC-100 AD.

j. Biology term: the spiral bacterium found in the digestive tract of cows

k. an alchemist

l. Byzantine officer in charge of foreign mercenary troops

m. Bread mold

Entrants were: belMarduk, Bingley, consuelo, dxb, Flatlander, Jazzoctopus, JosieWales, maverick, milum, The FallibleFiend, WhitmanO’Neill, Wordwind

