Hi helen,

We did the bog song as "High-ho, the rattlin' bog, the bog down in the valley-o" but otherwise the same.

This is a really serendipitous thread because just last weekend I resurrected some childhood tapes by Raffi, Sharon Lois & Bram, and Fred Penner (all Canadian kids' entertainers) and they did a lot of those tunes. As a matter of fact, for belM's original query, I'd advise getting anything by Sharon Lois & Bram. They do clapping games, tongue twisters, folk songs, kids' songs, and a lot of the ones I thought of when you queried come from them. They also do some songs in French, as does Raffi. (But I would say Raffi's accent is terrible - but give him points for trying!) A bit of everything, just like Canada.