Here's the lyrics (if nonsense words can be called that) to a game where everyone stood in a circle, as if you were holding hands but with palms up, with your right hand above the hand of the person on that side, and your left hand below the hand of the person on the other side. Someone would start off by clapping their right hand toward their left hand; since there was someone else's hand there they would receive the clap and the next beat they would clap the hand of the person to their left, and so on. The song goes:

Stella ola ola, clup, clup, clup
Singin' ess chico chico, chico chico chup chup
Ess chico chico valow, valow, valow valow valow valow

(I've tried to highlight the strong beats in bold, there were actually two slaps per beat. You guys have no idea how long it took me to work all that out!)

Whoever's hand was supposed to be hit on "Five" had to move it so as not to be hit. If they dodged the hit, the hitter was "out", if they were hit, they were "out". The game would continue to smaller and smaller circles until just one person was left. They were the winner, and then everyone re-joined the circle and started over again!

I always wondered if this song was a bastardization of a song in another language. It sure just seems like very rhythmic gibberish written out like this!