i didn't read quinon, but in a handbaskets, suggest something very casual to me.. a picnic or lunch in the park,

Hell in a handbasket, is a casual disregard for conscequences of ones actions.. that leads to major faults or problems...
once in haste, my daugter bleached some jeans.. they were getting too light, so she stopped the spin cycle, removed the jeans, and rinsed then in the sink.. and left them to drip dry.

i came along to do a load of wash (smelled bleach, and saw the bleached pants dripping into the sink) I put my clothes in the washer, and -- several of my work dresses, where bleached.. the very small quantity of water left in the washer still had a lot of bleaching power...

and all my daughter said was "oops"-- i resonded that such a casual attitude might result in a denial of service.. that in the future, she could use a laundrymat..
that i wasn't going to have things go to hell et al.