Spring in England.

My morning commute from Sussex to London starts in the countryside and now the sun is up before me. Blossom, daffodils, leaves of so fresh a green just appearing. Blackthorn hedgerows, noisy birds, thatched half-timbered cottages, spires of village churches against a blue sky (We're lucky with the weather just now), a late fox scurrying out of sight while a bright pheasant struts across the road.
After some 35 miles of motorway I enter Richmond Park - opening earlier as the day does now. Giant old trees, jackdaws open to the main chance, herds of Red and Fallow deer. Out of the Park and still more blossom in the gardens of wealthy households until crossing the fine old bridge at Hammersmith, with crews of eight and single scullers passing beneath, I finally drive into London fumes and yelling traffic.

Pretentious nonsense, but I love it all. Can't wait to go home again this evening! London and Edinburgh are good, but come and drive through our springtime countryside!
