Yes Helen, I find beauty in everyday life. It is amazing what is all around you. Some days I wake up and the birds are chirping away outside and I find that beautiful – and I smile.

Pancakes from my son on my birthday are beautiful. My Mother’s smile is beautiful. The love in my Father’s eyes every time he looks at my Mother is beautiful. My husband, waiting for me to get safely into my car before heading to his, is beautiful.

Winter storms, with snowflake jewels falling from the sky are beautiful. Summer days where the sun is so bright everything looks polished, are beautiful. And in the spring and the fall the ducks migrating are beautiful and I am awestruck.

I’ll tell you what, in my worst hour, when I thought life too heavy a burden to bear, it was ducks in a scraggly v-formation heading south, that reminded me that there is an endless rhythm to our souls and our selves and that life goes on. I was awestruck by the beauty of it and smiled for the first time in months. I always stop to watch the ducks go by.

Every day something beautiful shows itself to me and I smile.