Aren't there also Gyers? (that word is way to short but i can just barely remember the word..)

the one i am thinking of, is giant current of water, that sort of circles.. it move from the Aleutians islands in alaska, down the alaskan pan haddle, continues down the coast all the way to SF, moves out in a giant cicle, till it meets up again with the Aleutians islands ..

Its the current of water that helps make seattle so raining, and SF so foggy, and make the pacific water so cold at the coast line, compared to the Atlantic.

the gulf stream isn't quite a circle (but the atlantic is also not as big an ocean.) And it brings warm tropical waters up the US east coast, Turn just south of NY (but in the summer, scuba divers can find tropical fish off NYC beaches, brought there by the current.) and it make the east coast warmer.. it also bring coconut palm seeds to the coast of ireland, were they sprout, an live for 20 to 30 years, before a cold winter kills them off..

there is an other one of these currents off the coast of peru, all the way out to the galapagoes islands.. and i think there are more, in asia, but... well its far away, and i'm not sure..

and you can see the gulf stream waters.. on a clear calm day, you can actually see different shades of green in the water.. (best from the air) but even when swimming, you can see an eddy of warm water in the ocean.. and feel it as is swirls by!