We felt the quake all the way into Montréal. The quake didn't last long but the sound echoed for a minute or so. I'm told it has to do with the type of rock on which the province rests. It is quite interesting to feel the vibrations and here the grumbling.

One thing is odd, all the birds stopped chirping. At this time of year, what with all the spring mating (now, get your minds outta the gutters, I’m talking about the birds) our yard is a cacophony of different chirps, squeaks and squawks, starting 4:00 in the morning – enough to wake you sometimes.

My chicken-dog Max sproinged into the bed beside me. At 85 lbs, that’s a lot of dog to be sproinging. *Sigh*, not your fierce protector of family my Max. Oh well, what he lacks in courage he makes up in friendliness.