This one barely makes it out of my family. It is a call and response to absurdity.

"Is there a parade today?"
"Is that my car?"

This little family joke was born when my father landed in the hospital with kidney stones. We were waiting in the hallway to go in and visit when an elderly gentleman wandered by, looked out the window and uttered those two (now) immortal phrases. It became obvious to all the clan that the gentleman was a victum of Alzheimer's but it was just the comic relief we needed. When things get crazy, one of us looks at the other and says "Is there a parade today?". The other is then required to answer "Is that my car?". Then we remember that life is absurd and have a good laugh. Anyone in earshot that isn't privy to the joke just walks away scratching their head.

Oh, I almost forgot! A dogwood is a flowering tree. Lovely to look upon.