>'News and Sport' is no longer tautologous....

I think we've been quite lucky here. We just had the news when we woke up, then an early evening 7-8pm programme which covered the main highlights. Showing our gold medal win usually takes up about ten minutes of the Olympics, so it was quite good this year to be able to fill up around an hour of airtime! I can imagine what it must have been like day in, day out.

By the way, I met a man who told us that his brother was in charge of getting the Olympic flame up to the top of the stadium (here's a comment for the boys - he needed a quick trip to the underwear shop afterwards), apparently the reason it didn't work was that so many people "phoned home" on their mobiles, just as the torch was lit, that the radio wave activity interrupted the signal to the torch mechanism and they had to physically move the whole thing on to manual overdrive. ... That was his story, anyway....