>Does anyone have a clue where to find out more about Oz language and influences on the net?<

At the risk of being confused with tsuwm, might I suggest typing 'Australian slang' into google.com? That's what I did. A great many pages came up. I had a look at a few on the first page and thought the first was the most impressive:


One of the things I like about this is that it says it is trying to include only specifically Australian slang. (It doesn't succeeed, but it tries!) I can't count how many times I've had proud Australian quote Aussie rhyming slang at me, all unaware that in the UK we use the same phrase and call it Cockney rhyming slang.

Of course, a site that tries to exclude shared British / Australian slang may not be the best for some poor North Americans who haven't been exposed to enough external influences, but hey, can't please all the people all the time.