Dear Bingley,

Well, ya' see, Grandma Jean was still living when I was a little girl--and we all called her "Grandma Jean." Great Granddaddy William had long been buried out in the woods--it was an Outdoors Baptist constriction of his. He still lies out there, though the family would move him if they could.

But I see your point. For clarification I should have written Great Grandma Jean. I stand corrected!

Best regards,
WW, still wondering what that outdoors branch of Baptists was called...

PS: I accidentally delted a post above. Have no idea in the world how I did it! In other words, Bingley, honest to goodness, I didn't do it on purpose! I must have hit the delete button when I thought I was editing this post here--but it was the other post up there to which you rightfully repsponded. Very sorry!