The example give does not convey the contempt with which this phrase was originally used. I remember seeing a cartoon seventy years ago with two caricature Hispanics grumbling that there hadn't been a revolution for almost a month.

As a belated term useful for this time of year: "Hack setting". Only comparatively recently did watches with this capability become available. When I was young it was hard to set a watch within a minute of the correct time. Now one pulls the stem out with the watch set slightly fast, watches the display of atom time on the computer, and when the atom clock seconds readout reaches setting of watch, the stem is "hacked" into place, giving a watch very closely in step with atom time.
Of course if money is no object, you can buy a watch that sets itself to atom time automatically. Ridiculously expensive. For about ten bucks you can buy software that keeps your computer clock in step with atom time automatically. Just browse through "Correct time" to find ads.