~~Ah yes, Angel,
What is it about Roy Orbison's voice that captivates? Unfortuntely his song reminded me of the song below that only three people yet alive will remember. But I liked it, and will honor it -with the boards kind acquiescence -here and now...

You went away and left me.
You left me all alone.
To do a thing like that. Your heart must be made of stone.

I did every thing I could. I tried to treat you right.
I worked hard every day, and I loved you every night.
Still you went away and left me, you left me all alone.
To do a thing like that, your heart must be made of stone.

Your Heart (must be made of stone) -Clarence Jr. Lewis

Now I feel better

Post Edit: Please forgive me everyone. I selfishly tried to use this board to purge the deep hurt of thirty years past. Thank you Wordwind for jumping ahead of me. I feel better already. Who knows? Maybe by tommorrow, or the next day, or one day after that, I will be able to wipe away the tears and smile and post as a happy man -once again.