Whit-O, who and what is "Your Happy Epeolatrist!"

Sure, Milo...be glad to. I was hopin' someone would ask.

Dr. Bill discovered an obscure word that every linguaphile should know:

epeolatry: the worship of words

There are only two citations listed on the entire web for it at OneLook...Forthright's, and our very own tswum's Worthless Word for the Day!
So, a worshipper of words is an epeolatrist. And "Happy Epeolatrist" just popped out, I liked the way the words flowed together and rolled off the tongue...so there you are. And I decided to use it as my first-ever signature to help remind me of the true energy of AWAD...levity, words, and intellect (not necessarily in that order).

Your Happy Epeolatrist!