a ways back, for you flat liners like me, Faldage responded to post of kieva's.. supposedly about general nastiness, and changes made to posts.. (kieva's post is even further back!)Look for Faldage's post by the subject title --unchanged.

(RE:The statement about these posts being toned down versions of the original merely taints the evidence with no way to verify for anyone who did not copy and save the originals
I invite anyone to look at that entire thread and decide if it shows a general tendency on the part of anyone towards nastiness.

kieva supplied the links, and he mention my name in the post with the links and mentions editing.

what i edited out was the word F***ed. i suggested the person who posted a commercial ad was like a rapist, who then came back, and asked us," well how do you want to be ******?"-- as if offers us a choise of how she should abuse us, was not abuse.

the line was crude. i didn't change the tenor of my post. i do and did feel golibear used AWAD Talk for an ad--which i thought to be rude, and spam. she did it at the very time, Anu, in his AWAD mailings (not the WAD, but the newsletter) was asking for sponsers. The newsletter does have some very low key ads, paid for by sponsers. (most recently one for a Nanny service as i recall)

so i didn't edit out anything signicant, just something crude. if you read the whole thread, and think i was nasty, so be it. but, as faldage points out, i didn't get harsh until golibear came back and suggested we tell her how to use AWAD talk to place her free ads--

But please, do read the whole thread.. my post are pretty far down the line.. it took quite a bit to provoke me. and to suggest, i made a major edit, is wrong.