Ok, Ok, now we're working it out here.
I was listening to NPR yesterday and on "These Days" the author of a book about reconciliation was discussing the difference between capitulation and reconciliation. I think the title of the book was "I Thought I'd Never Talk to You Again." I THOUGHT OF SOME OF THE BOARD MEMBERS during this program. . .fondly of course. I didn't get to listen to the whole program but I believe her premise was that yes, we can forgive and move on and certainly that is important to do.
I don't know where I heard this or read this or maybe even my therapist told me...if you don't forgive someone you are allowing them to have control over you. Why would you want that? Apologizing and forgiving is not easy, but it does free a person in a sense. I have seen a post somewhere that suggests that no one needs a mother now that they are an adult, I disagree, we all need a person like that, in the ideal sense of someone who loves you unconditionally who can forgive what silly, hurtful, or un-thought-out things you might say and tells you (and believes in the fact) that you can be a bigger, better person.
Is there fault? No. Is there misunderstanding? Yes. Hurtful words. Yes. One might say, but she...One might say, but he....It would be a good thing to let it rest.