Re:Regis, which is always pronounced "Rej-uss".

there is a morning show, Regis and (lady of the hour) for a long time it was Regis and Kathy Lee-- but the new lady has made a name for her self yet..

Regis Philbin, the star, was Joey Bishop's side kick.. when joey bishop was the host of the late show.

Regis name is Ree gis. (or may be its Rej-uss but it's sure not rey-geese!)
Regis HS is the same, as are all the other regis's i know. i am pretty certain, that is how it is said in church latin (ie RC church)

i have always been told, church latin, is not the same as Latin. (American english is not the same as UK english) neither one is right or wrong, its one of those you say to may toe , i say ta mah toe, things