well put semperon.

you comments, well, they could be called a bit strong.. but they are out in public, and very politely phrased, and our modest godess seem to be a person in touch with her self, and able to stand up for her self.

as to her modesty, (or anyone modesty) clothing, or the lack of it, does not in and of its self make one modest. I know, with a nude model, i do not see the person, only the body. when our godess models, she does not strut her stuff, but rather almost the oposite, she remove not only her clothes, but her personality.. she becomes a form. it has to be, i think, one of the most self effacing activities around.

and she has only slowly made indication of her skill with words. she mentions her $100 yearly royalty check, for the writers union, payment for all the time her books have been checked out of the library. but she hasn't yet plugged her book-- but these are just my thoughts.

i don't think our godess needs me to defend her, and i don't even think your words are anything that she need to mount a defence against.

we have at had some threads, where we have shared some personal information, including clues and open statements about our 'handles'-- or self chosen names.

your early post verged on that subject. semperon semper on
always on... always logged in? (if so, you hid the fact)
always on.. on drugs? on call?

you never sleep? or take meals? calls of nature don't call you away from your computer? and even if you are always on line, you're not always on AWAD.

forget being adonis (and here's a tip, i don't look anything at all like helen of troy!) but do tell us about being always on.

discussions about abstract concepts, like the nature of time, have been some of the most wonderful thread going.

maybe, we should have a thread about the nature of modesty, or humility, or even beauty. there are many, and some we have touched upon, tsuwm short essay on the spirit is a fine example.