Yes, Anna, goodness knows i have been guilty, (in the past!) of turning threads from words to food.. and certainly, i enjoy a quick turn of phrase, that makes me laugh, and then makes me blush, but all to many threads these days, have allegedly witty comments, that are barbs, with scant wit, and nothing to do with the thread.

there are some shades of meanings, and some "mental tricks" that my mind plays with nude and naked. i have never been a model bet that's is no surprize!, but i have taken art classes -- human figures-- and drawn models. as the model drops her robe, and settles in to position, something strange happens... she loses her personhood, and becomes a thing. a living breathing human form. you don't see or react to the person, you react to the folds of the skin, the shadows, the muscles, and the fat, the wrinkles and the smoothness, the tone, and color.

at times it can be erotic, -- and yet there is a distance, so that i was almost embarassed that i notice how erotic the form was. Not that i was attracted to the model--rather, her cool demeanor allowed me to explore being visualy aroused. and while i am not talented, i have some skill, and the my drawing was the better for being aroused.

as to the word naked (or my sense of being naked.) it is more vunerable, but not helpless..-- and i think i could slip between being naked and nude, minute by minute.

its a good thing ashcroft isn't a member here at AWAD, or we would have big blue curtains, blocking out this thread!

and are there words for being partial underessed, that have the same strong emotions behind them, the way naked and nude do?

in skivies?
scantily clad?
full frontal nudity?
bare assed, bare breasted?

none of these evoke much of an emotional charge.. not like naked!