Angel, I (somehow) picked up your original title to your post, I'm glad you chose the other one, cause this one would have been fanning flames that just weren't there. You just did to us what I was disussing with Keiva about... wonderful stuff!

Let it rest? Is that an order? Sorry, Mom! I moved out of the house long time ago for this very reason!Nice redirect, though!

Now, let's all focus closely on the words we use.... go!

[edit]In hindsight, the timing does make a slight difference, but not to my specific point. I hope the above post to Angel clarifies a little, the rest is context.

(ps) See how confusing it is when someone steps in the middle where there is no specific need, as is editing your post while someone else is answering you when your not looking. I'll bet your answering this right now while I'm editing it...)

Second edit: Angel, I see this is actually ® the second title, where the first was just "RE: Monkey see, monkey do". This clears it all up..[ROTFLMAO]