that is a hard question to answer-- since different engines use different criteria..

This site (awad) is not a good choice.. but if you open Anna's link, and then go to View--> Source (sorry, AOL users, but you can't) you will see the actual HTML code used to create the web page (Anu uses a java script--so what i want to show you isn't immediately available)

In the source you'll see this-- I have added the color for emphsis

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
<meta http-equiv="PICS-Label" content='(PICS-
1.1 "" l gen true
comment "RSACi North America Server" ""
for "" on "1997.07.27T10:07-
0800" r (n 0 s 0 v 0 l 1))'>
<meta name="description" content="Search Engine Watch
is the authoritative guide to searching at Internet search
engines and search engine registration and ranking issues.
Learn to submit URLs, use HTML meta tags and boost

<meta name="keywords" content="listings search
engine watch web site, danny sullivan editor
using meta tags improving placement, how to submit urls
tomajor internet search engines webmaster's guide,
rankings search engine registration tips for searching
better reviews, tutorials technology report free newsletter,
news articles placement engine submission online help">

<title>Search Engine Watch: Tips About Internet Search
Engines & Search Engine Submission</title>
<base target="_top">

the blue and green are meta name field. (MS Front Page users, beware! front page puts "Front Page" in as a meta name. )learning to edit meta name fields can increase your hits 1000 fold.

some search engings use these fields.. other search engings (google notable) use Links -- how many pages link to your page, how many other sites does this site link to? and so on..

and no search engine only uses one standard.. most are mixed..

and finally, some companies pay a premium (to google say) and this payment pushes them up the list -- evey use the google "I'm feeling lucky button"? a company can pay for that spot.. each key word cost something..

OAL "keywords" cost $$$$$$$ of dollars!