I was curious to see what Mencken might have to say about absquatulate; he merely includes it in a discussion of some other curious words:

Yet again, there are the purely artificial words, e.g., sockdolager, hunky-dory, scalawag, guyascutis, spondulix, slumgullion, rambunctious, scrumptious, to skedaddle, to absquatulate and to exfluncticate. 25 In the use of the last-named coinages fashions change. In the 40’s* to absquatulate was in good usage, but it has since disappeared. Most of the other inventions of the time, however, have to some extent survived, and it would be difficult to find an American of today whom did not know the meaning of scalawag and rambunctious and who did not occasionally use them.


*1840s : )

pardon me whilst I look up guyascutis....

(errare est humanum)