I know we have a good representation of Southern (US) writers and linguaphiles aboard here, so I wanted to make sure to alert you to this week's segment of C-SPAN's American Writers, William Faulkner and the Southern Writers, airing Sunday, May 5th, at 3 pm EDT and the following Friday at 8 pm EDT. (hey, milum! I know Alabama ain't Mississipi, but you're about as close to Faulkner country there as anyone! ) Imagine they'll also look at Eudora Welty, Flannery O'Connor, Tennessee Williams, etc.

And this week was John Steinbeck (which was excellent...even had the Jeep camper he took around the country in Travels With Charley )...you can catch the Steinbeck segment again this Friday, May 3rd, at 8pm EDT on C-SPAN. (I missed the Hemingway and Fitzgerald segments the last two weeks, anybody see 'em?)

The Only WO'N!