I caught the second half of the American Writer's, Sunday, on Zora Neale Hurston...engrossing and informative as usual. (I missed the Langston Hughes part, half to try to catch it Friday or online at the site). I always learn so much from these presentations, even about writers and historical periods I think I know intrinsically.

The programs are re-aired each Friday at 8 pm for those who miss the Sunday show at 3 pm. I'm a bit disappointed they moved the Monday morning airtime to Sunday because they used to have thousands of schools and home schoolers tuning in to participate. However, there is still a teaching resource available at the site, and you can click on 'Classroom' there for all the interactive teaching plans and material. All programs are offered in video onsite, so if you are teaching or know any teachers this is a great resource to inform them about (it won an award as the top educational website for 2002).
Another reminder about the H.L. Mencken installment coming up Sunday for all the linguaphiles.
Anmd here's the complete schedule for the Spring, all times 3 pm Sundays and 8pm Saturdays, all videos of aired shows available at the website FREE (I'm especially looking forward to Steinbeck, Faulkner and the Southern writers, Ernie Pyle, Kerouac and the Beats, and James Baldwin--and, so far, I've seen them all except for Black Elk, the Native American writer...have to go back and see that):

H.L. Mencken
The American Language
Baltimore, Maryland

April 14
F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Gatsby
St. Paul, Minnesota

April 21
Ernest Hemingway
The Sun Also Rises
Key West, Florida

April 28
John Steinbeck
The Grapes of Wrath
Salinas, California

William Faulkner & the Southern Writers
The Sound and The Fury
Oxford, Mississippi

May 12
Ayn Rand
The Fountainhead
Hollywood, California
with an extra note to Jazzo, I know they'll discuss "Atlas Shrugged"

May 19
Ernie Pyle
Here Is Your War
Dana, Indiana

May 26
Whittaker Chambers

Walter Lippmann
Newspaper Columns
Washington, D.C.

June 9
Jack Kerouac & the Beat Writers
On The Road
Lowell, Massachusetts

June 16
James Baldwin
The Fire Next Time

June 23
Betty Friedan
The Feminine Mystique
Northampton, Massachusetts

Russell Kirk
The Conservative Mind
William F. Buckley & the Conservative Movement
God and Man at Yale
Mecosta, Michigan