C-SPAN's brilliant American Writers a journey through history series is returning after a long hiatus due to expanding political coverage after the events of the Fall.
This Sunday, March 31 at 3pm (EST) with Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston - Harlem Renaissance Writers, they're beginning again with the 2Oth Century. But the big news for linguaphiles is that on Sunday, April 7th, at 3pm (EST), the second installment of the series will be H.L. Mencken - The American Language covering his life and career, with a special focus on that work. Mencken, as curmudgeonly and garrulous as his reutation noted, had, as we all know, a profound effect upon the shaping of the American idiom at the turn of the century (19th-20th..sheesh, we have to do that now, don't we?). A sure treat for any linguaphile! For more info visit the American Writers website at http://americanwriters.org or you can also find the link at Max's marvelous AWADabilia site: http://maxqnz.com/References.html plug, plug .
For a capsule look at the previous writers covered and some
comment about it see my previous post on this site at:

And, Boby, the Mencken show is airing live from Baltimore.