I was just astonished to learn that Dudley Moore made his home in the town where I grew up...Plainfield, New Jersey. A pretty modest suburb as a whole. There was one semi-exclusive area on the East Side, but it's not the type of town you'd expect a celebrity of his stature to buy a home. A friend suggested it might be because no one expected to see him there, so he wasn't noticed in public and had a freedom of movement he wouldn't have had in LA, NYC, or London. An it's convenient to NYC (just 30 miles away).

And you're so right, Max...to be falsely pummeled by the press for a horrible illness like that without apology is beyond reproach. What a revolting thing to do to a person. I was highly upset when I learned they did that to that poor man...he was suffering enough through the loss of his mobility and the loss of his talent. He will be missed.