Like anything new, Rhu, chat skills can be acquired with practice, if you find a chat room with discussions worth the effort. Many - if not most - chatrooms seem to degenerate into flirtfests, but I have found a couple of sufficient worth that I stuck around long enough to learn how to follow the conversation threads.

The best way to get the hang of it is to find a fairly empty room, so that you just have a couple of people to talk to and you are all talking along the same thread. Once you get the hang of it, then, as people come in and start diverging from the main conversation, you'll find that you can still follow what is going on.

Chat rooms which permit you to create your own rooms, so that you can have a quiet conversation with select company, can be very convenient for planning sessions and such. And easier to set up than conference calls.

I'd be happy to tutor you.