There are 4 requirements for this board
1) interest in English (doesn't matter if it is 1st or 5th language you speak)

2) ready access to computers and to internet(hardware/infrastructure)

3) knowledge of AWAD

4) time and money to make it all work.

we are a very self select group. we all have access to computers on a regular basis. this means an investment in hardware, some free time, and reliable telephone lines--or in the case of stales, satelite hookups when he is out in the bush!

I remember being surprizes 20 years ago, how hard it was for a friend to get home telephone service in Rotterdam.. there was a 2 year wait for instalation!

The US, if anything, lags behind the rest of the world when it come to cell phone use, because we had such a well developed infrastructure.. as did UK, and now i am guessing, also NZ and AU. phone service was cheap, and readily available almost every where in US.

what about SA? What was the phone system like in johansburg? like rotterdam? or like london?