>Both of these data have been on my page for several months, fwiw.

all of this being a reminder, to young and old alike, READ THE FREAKING MANUAL! (thanks Max :)

Well, excuse me for bringing up the bleeding obvious, Ron, but I do read the freaking manual. I just don't get to Max's site often enough. I usually just have time to read the helpful hints published on the I&A pages every few weeks and take what's there as verbatim. Here's the HH printed just a few short days ago. No reference to 'Carpal Tunnel' anywhere.

How do you graduate from ?Stranger??
There are different titles given, based on the number of posts.
Here are the titles:
Stranger (0), Newbie (25),
Journeyman (50), Member (100)
Enthusiast (200), Addict (400),
Old Hand (700), Veteran (1200), Pooh Bah (1600)
At the time of writing, we don't know if there are any more.
Search on ?Graduation? for threads that discuss this subject

Signature Lines:
The system allows you to add a signature. In the past, some of us have used our favourite quotes but we've found that this becomes distracting after seeing the same line several times so we prefer not to use them.

However, I will start reading Max's website now that I know it is more consistent and up-to-date.

