In another thread, Stales posted a story about a prim female passing flatus noisily. This reminded me of a story Mark Twain wrote, after a newspaper editor had bemoaned the fact that none of his contemporaries could write like the Elizabethans. Mark Twain wrote "1601" in Elizabethan style, anonymously. Later he claimed it, and the author of the article expressed it this way:

"But Twain first claimed his bantling from the fog of anonymity in 1906,
in a letter addressed to Mr. Charles Orr, librarian of Case Library,
Cleveland. Said Clemens , in the course of his letter, dated July 30,
1906, from Dublin, New Hampshire:"

bant[ling 7bant4li%8
5< Ger b9nkling, bastard < bank, a bench: cf. BASTARD6 [Archaic] a young child; brat: a term of contempt