Things are just going too quickly these days. I don't have time for long books. And my concentration's gone to pot because of too many things going on.

So, I was talking to a college student the other day--and she feels the pressure of too much responsibility, too. I told her the story of Ethan Fromme, and she said she'd like to read the book, but she didn't have time. And then I said (with a huge smile on my face): "It's a short book!!! Really short and really great!" And she was relieved and said she had time to read a short book!

So, I've got that question for you all. Have you read any great short books recently--even in this sometimes too hurried and harried world we habitate at times--that we could sit down and read with great eagerness, amusement, enjoyment, edification--in one quick sitting?

Thanks for responding if you have some suggestions...

Book regards,