I really, really enjoyed the rules. Thanks Max.
I like to stretch the question "How do the regular contributors feel about ending sentences with prepositions?" to ask "How do the regular contributors feel about adhering to rules of grammar."
I used to have the same problem with structure and form as I have with Grammar. A kind of a irritated feeling to have to stick to something someone says is right. But I realised with structure it is the perhaps the easiest way to achieve clarity of expression. And so after having done my own thing and not been very successful I now try to stick to structure, despite my earlier resistance.
But, I still resist grammar. Do you all think the more fussy rules of grammar do in anyway help achieve clarity of expression or it is something someone said we must do to make life more difficult?
As Max has written, sometimes trying to achieve grammar makes the writing very stilted. I would very much like to know opinions on this too...