These from the Canadianisms link:

bean --
One hundred dollars. May be a local Montréal term.

So, we know!

Alcool --
Pure grain alcohol. Known in the States as Everclear. The kind person who described Screech has this to say: "The name Alcool actually comes from the french word "alcool" (kind of pronounced like alco-ol, like alcove and awl, but no v) which means alcohol, (obviously) but since there is no other product name on the bottle, people have come to calling it "Alcool", rhymes with tool, instead of no-name alcohol. Alcool is also easier to say than alcohol when inebriated." He notes that it may just be an Ontario thing, but someone else tells me it's available in Quebec too.

Cool word for alcool!

Timbits --
Do(ugh)nut holes from Tim Horton's. Several people with dark senses of humo(u)r have pointed out to me that these were introduced shortly after Tim Horton, a famous and beloved hockey player who started the chain, was killed in a car accident.

You guys eat donut holes in Canada? That's what I really call chewing on air! So that explains it then! hi bel!