Are newfs the dog of choice in Newfoundland?

Well, they're not dogs for everyone, because they're BIG. BIG BIG BIG. So if you don't like big dogs it's not a good idea. I see a lot more Labs around but I don't know much about their personalities. (We are, after all, a cat family.)

As for the trucks/Labs thing, I get the impression that a lot of coastal Labrador towns are inaccessible by road. So why on earth you would own a truck in such a place is beyond me. But people do, because I know that gas (along with everything else) is brought in by coastal boat for use in those places. Apparently some towns, who were recently connected by gravel road to other towns, were debating whether or not to institute snow-clearing in the winter. Previously, there was not much point, since everyone gets around by snowmobile in the wintertime there. Now that there was a road, people wanted to use their cars in the winter, too.

The only definite thing I can say is that some guy in Labrador made the news last fall because his truck was attacked by a rabid wolf. Now THAT is a typical Newfoundland story. Weird but true, and always newsworthy!

The only Labrador dog I've spent any time with was my cousins' dog, and they got him when they lived in - wait for it - Perth, Australia!